Les publications de l'équipe " Nutrition-Obésité" NEM.

Le champs d'action et de compétences de l'équipe à Necker est large et varié.

Obesity in children and adolescents, mental disorders and familial psychopathology.

Zipper E, Vila G, Dabbas M, Bertrand C, Mouren-Siméoni MC,Robert JJ, Ricour C.

PresseMed. 2001 Oct 20;30(30):1489-95.

Mental disorders in obese children and adolescents.

Vila G, Zipper E, Dabbas M, Bertrand C, Robert JJ, Ricour C,Mouren-Siméoni MC.

PsychosomMed. 2004 May-Jun;66(3):387-94.

Arterial rigidity and endothelial dysfunction in obese children.

Aggoun Y, Tounian P, Dabbas-Tyan M, MassihTA, Girardet JP, Ricour C, Sidi D, Bonnet D.

ArchMal Coeur Vaiss. 2002 Jul-Aug;95(7-8):631-5.

Insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome in obese French children.

Druet C, Dabbas M, Baltakse V, Payen C, Jouret B, BaudC, Chevenne D, Ricour C, Tauber M, Polak M, Alberti C, Levy-Marchal C.

ClinEndocrinol (Oxf). 2006 Jun;64(6):672-8.

High prevalence of hirsutism and menstrual disorders in obese adolescent girls and adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus despite different hormonal profiles.

Samara-Boustani D, Colmenares A, Elie C, Dabbas M, Beltrand J, Caron V, Ricour C, Jacquin P, Tubiana-Rufi N, Levy-Marchal C,Delcroix C, Martin D, Benadjaoud L, Jacqz Aigrain E, Trivin C, Laborde K,Thibaud E, Robert JJ, Polak M.

EurJ Endocrinol. 2012 Feb;166(2):307-16.

European paediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseregistry (EU-PNAFLD): Design and rationale.

Mann JP, Vreugdenhil A, Socha P, Jańczyk W, Baumann U,Rajwal S, Casswall T, Marcus C, van Mourik I, O'Rahilly S, Savage DB,Noble-Jamieson G, Lacaille F, Dabbas M, Dubern B, Kelly DA, Nobili V, AnsteeQM.

ContempClin Trials. 2018 Dec;75:67-71.

The use of body mass index for measurement of fat mass inchildren is highly dependant on abdominal fat.

El Taguri A, Dabbas-Tyan M, Goulet O, Ricour C.

EastMediterr Health J. 2009 May-Jun;15(3):563-73.

Ultrasound measurement of total body fat in obese adolescents.

Pineau JC, Lalys L, Bocquet M, Guihard-Costa AM, Polak M,Frelut ML, Peres G, Dabbas-Tyan M.

AnnNutr Metab. 2010;56(1):36-44.

Evaluation of lean body mass in obese children.

Campanozzi A, Dabbas M, Ruiz JC, Ricour C, Goulet O.

EurJ Pediatr. 2008 May;167(5):533-40.

Preventing childhood overweight by prenatal education ofoverweight or obese pregnant women.

Parat S, Nègre V, Lorenzini F, Cosson E, Tauber M,Bertrand AM, Rodrigues A, Valensi P, Uzan M, Lapillonne A, Altman JJ, Dabbas M, Elie C.

ArchPediatr. 2009 Jun;16(6):568-9. doi: 10.1016/S0929-693X(09)74069-2.

Prenatal education of overweight or obese pregnant womento prevent childhood overweight (the ETOIG study): an open-label, randomizedcontrolled trial.

Parat S, Nègre V, Baptiste A, Valensi P, Bertrand AM,Chollet C, DabbasM, Altman JJ, Lapillonne A, Tréluyer JM, Elie C, Tauber M, LorenziniF, Cosson E.

IntJ Obes (Lond). 2019 Feb;43(2):362-373.

Primordial Influence of Post-operative Compliance onWeight Loss After Adolescent Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding.

Khen-Dunlop N, Dabbas M, De Filippo G, Jais JP, Hervieux E,Télion C, Chevallier JM, Michel JL, Aigrain Y, Bougnères P, Goulet O, RévillonY.

ObesSurg. 2016 Jan;26(1):98-104.

Long-Term Results of Laparoscopic Adjustable GastricBanding in French adolescents: The Utmost Importance of Follow-Up.

Yska HAF, Khen-Dunlop N, Lacaille F, Dabbas M.

JPediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2021 Jun 1;72(6):906-911.

Comparative results of gastric banding in adolescents andyoung adults.

Hervieux E, Baud G, Dabbas M, Pigeyre M, Caiazzo R, Verhaeghe R,Goulet O, Aigrain Y, Révillon Y, Pattou F, Khen-Dunlop N.

JPediatr Surg. 2016 Jul;51(7):1122-5.

Ce qu'il faut retenir

La prise en charge de l'obésité en pédiatrie nécessite une évaluation plurifactorielle et une collaboration avec des équipes spécialisées dans tous les domaines. L'obésité étant une maladie complexe qui peut avoir des conséquences sur la santé multiples et variées.